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Frequently Asked Questions

This page is to help answer questions you may have about our non-profit, the pool's history and the how, what, when, and why's for the new community pool. 


How old is current pool? In 2022 the pool will have served the community for 40 years. 


How was current pool's construction funded? The pool was funded through a generous donation from a local resident Lena Moser.   

Our Non-Profit

Why was the non-profit Friends of the Dallas Center Pool formed? The non-profit was formed to provide those in the community who support a new pool a structure for "friend-raising" and fundraising efforts so that our donors could benefit from tax-deductible donations.

New Pool

Is the new pool design an aquatic center? The proposed design was purposefully design not to be a large aquatic center, it was designed to be a community pool. 


Does the new pool design allow for access to those who have special needs? The proposed design does include several features allowing for improved access to those who have special needs. 


Will the new pool design include a heater? The proposed design does have heater included, this will allow pool to have a longer use season. (The current pool does not have heater)


12Feb21: Why is new a advisory committee being formed by the City of Dallas Center? The Dallas Center City Council has established the Swimming Pool Planning and Advisory Committee as a special committee to review and consider our community’s current and future needs for the recreational needs of a new community swimming pool and to develop plans for the replacement of the pool. For more info. 

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