About Us
The Friends of the Dallas Center Pool (FDCP) is an organization born out of necessity and comprised of future-focused, action-oriented members of the community. As a 501c3 organization following the Iowa principles and practices for charitable nonprofit excellence guidelines, the FDCP shares a common vision and goals centered on building and sustaining a new community pool for the residents of Dallas Center and surrounding areas.
Our Mission
To lead and provide oversight for the efforts of generating awareness, gaining support and managing contributor’s funds to build a new community swimming pool in Dallas Center.
Our Values
Collaboration, Integrity, and Transparency in the pursuit of sustainable community assets.

Why Now? What is Next?
Since opening in 1982, our current swimming pool has served our community for nearly 40 years. However, the existing facilities have outlived their useful life expectancy. With ever-increasing maintenance and repair costs combined with changing safety and code standards, the time has come to act.
After exploring several options it was determined that the current structure was no longer a long-term option and the resources required to rehab the facility would not justify the improvement. With that in mind, the FDCP has commissioned an award-winning aquatic engineering firm to design plans for a sustainable, modern community pool that will serve our proud community for the next 40 years.
Through the generosity and involvement of the community members like you, we can guarantee a first-class recreational asset that will serve generations and act as a vibrant centerpiece for our community.
What will be Possible with Your Donations?

Shallow Play Area
Zero-Depth Entry
Spray Zone
Toddler Slide
Water Bench with Sunshade
Dumping Bucket Play Structure
Underwater Bench
ADA Pool Steps
Learner’s Platform
Shallow Lounge Area
5 Lane 25 Yard Lap Lanes
Basketball Goal
Plunge Area
Short Family Slide
Tall Family Slide
Diving Area
Drop Slide
1 Meter Diving Stand
Concession Tables under Sunshade
Post and Rope Barrier
New Bath House
Pool Heating & Filter System
Exterior Concession Stand
Exterior Public Restroom
Donor Paver Area
Please send payment via PayPal to: dallascenterpoolcommittee@gmail.com

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